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Wednesday, April 03, 2002

ZDNet |UK| - News - Story - Humanoid robot goes to work on Linux
16:08 Friday 22nd March 2002
Graeme Wearden

HRP-2P is significantly more agile than R2-D2, and its creator Kawada says it will be good for more than just entertainment - this robot is designed to do useful work.

Are robots key to Japan's New Economy? - Tech News -
By Reuters
April 2, 2002, 8:45 AM PT

By the end of the decade, the people who disarm bombs and search for survivors after a disaster may no longer need to put their lives on the line. A machine, possibly made in Japan, may be able to handle the dangerous stuff.
That is one goal of the Japanese government's $37.7 million Humanoid Robotics Project (HRP), which aims to market within a few years robots that can operate power shovels, assist construction workers and care for the elderly.

Daily Yomiuri On-Line
We, robots

Tony Lee Daily Yomiuri Staff Writer
For most people, this is the very stuff of science fiction, but for 26 robot companies and research centers strutting their stuff at Robodex 2002, robots are the new wave. Some hope to get in on the ground floor of young markets, or perhaps create new ones. Others are more idealistic, motivated by a vision of a future partnership between human and humanoid.