blog of the dayBloggerXiti


Why this site?

I dedicate this web site to robots for you and me, for the masses, robots made to help us, to serve us, to entertain us, to be loved or fought, a real friend or worker, a kind of human being, pet or anything that have intelligence, initiative sens, can decide and make choice, move or talk. I want to blog news that offer hints of our futur, our life or possible life in our cities. What can be do, good or bad, how, when, by who, and how much it will cost, what it looks like : I hope you will find answers here.

Who we are?

Actually, "who am I" is correct. I'm just trying to get the news, browsing the web, getting some emails, reading and making a selection from my own. It's one of my hobbies. My "feeding" job is IT consultant and developer. I don't make any money with this site.

Policy :

I don't want to steal talent from anybody, so I try to extract part of an interresting article to encourage readers to read more and go to the original web site and article. I try to respect this policy, but if you are an author and you think you are stolen, don't hesitate to contact me. I will delete your reference ASAP.